Java was created by James Gosling in 1995 for Sun Microsystems. So Java was originally planned to be named Oak. But that name was taken. So they went after and named after their favored coffee, which became Java.
Java is a platform-independent programming language.
Language What they essentially suggest is that after you have written your code, you could run it everywhere as such. So there may no longer be any unique dependencies. Or any modifications which you want to carry out on that code as soon as you have delivered to a one-of-a-kind device as such.There are 3 key functions of Java.
Java follows a concurrent approach.
- Concurrency basically means that when you have a lot of statements that need to be executed.
- Rather than executing them one after the other, you can concurrently execute them and thereby increase the overall efficiency as well.
- So this saves you a lot of time as such and this can be achieved using Java.
Java follows a class-based approach.
- Class-based approach means that everything that you’re gonna be writing as part of your Java,
- It is gonna be present inside a class. Now, don’t worry too much about what classes are or how it is gonna help us?
- We’ll be talking about that towards the later in the training session,
- But simply recognize that each code that you are gonna be writing is gonna be written inside a class as such.
Java follows an Object-Oriented pattern.
- So to those of you who aren’t familiar with the special kinds of programming.
- There are mainly two patterns that programming languages follow. One is procedural and the second is object-oriented.
- So Java actually follows an object-oriented pattern where everything is considered to be an object.
- So the variables, functions and operations that you’re gonna be performing, everything is gonna be done using objects as such.
At SkillZamp
We are focusing on solving problems rather than focusing on the syntax. Our teaching goal focuses on problem solving approaches that help our students at the end when they land a job. So the first thing that we really tackle in our training is the coaching period to teach you the real world IT skills. We basically create the same scenario of how you are going to come across training when you land a job. AHOMi’s doing the great work of being a true guide for youngsters, who want to make a mark in the field of computer science and information technology. AHOM creates professionals who are well prepared to develop and harness emerging technologies that are changing the way business is run in the industry for professionals. Who desire to keep abreast with the changing requirements of the industry. Join the new edge of IT and Professional Training.
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