Python is a widely used general purpose high level programming language.
It was created by Kirivan Rasam in 1991 and further developed by the python software foundation.
There are two major python versions:-
Python two and python three both are quite different. Python is an open source free programming language that is used in web programming, data science, artificial intelligence and many scientific applications.
Python allows the programmer to focus on solving problems rather than focusing on the syntax.
At SkillzAmp we are doing exactly the same. Our teaching goal focus on problem solving approach that help our students at the end when they land a job.
So the first thing that we really tackle in our training is the coaching period to teach you the real world IT skills.
We basically create the same scenario of how you are going to come across training when you land a job.
AHOM i’s doing the great work of being a true guide for youngsters, who want to make a mark in the field of computer science and information technology.
AHOM creates professionals, who are well-placed to develop and exploit the emerging technologies that change the way business is run in the industry to professionals.
Who desire to keep abreast with the changing requirements of the industry.
AHOM is the most reliable partner the varied range of specialized courses offered by SkillzAmp at that help its students compete in the rapid changing technological environment.
Our centers located in Delhi /NCR AHOM have revolutionized the software industry partnering with industry giants like to provide corporate training through intensive workshops.
AHOM has created a distinct name for itself as a center of excellence.
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